Friday, April 23, 2010

An Awesome Day!!!

Today was an awesome day. Had to say this because the rest of the week is really busy. Who actually say that poly students have a slack student life? Haha. I think poly life is exciting and vibrant! This may be why poly students seems to have more smiles on their faces as compared to Junior College students.(haha, little theory of Daniel)Daniel is starting to like his poly life , this may be due to his special class BM1005. :D

Its Friday today, and according to the time-table, school was suppose to start at 8am and end at 12pm. Gosh...its another of those early morning lessons that we were familiar with in secondary school. However this time its worst, its a early morning lecture for Accounting for Assets.

Woke up in the morning, fetched to school by my mom and attended the lecture. Lecturer seems like a nice guy, although he wasn't as funny as the rest of the lecturers, his lessons are nevertheless interesting. Learnt the concept of Accounting , the AED and LRC concepts and also the Credit v.s. Debit rule. Class eventually ended due to students being restless. Who could blame them, its a 2 hour lecture on a extremely "DRY" topic.

Thereafter as the Lecturer was also our tutor, we were asked to stay back in the lecture theatre. This was like adding salt to the already bleeding wound. Pain....Pain...Pain....
However, who would have knew that the lecturer was only trying to explain to us some of the rules and books that we have to buy. We were then released like 2 hours earlier. Wow, got to say....I Love the Lecturer...
We then went to McDonald's to have our breakfast, and the few of us went off to VivoCity for a movie. Shutter Island...

The movie Shutter Island, is a disappointment as we were expecting it to be a thriller genre film. However, it turns out to be some stupid psychological mystery film...Its about this man, who was a patient in this mad house island for 2 years, who killed his wife that killed his 3 children , thinking that he's discovering a dark secret of the mad house for illegally operating on patients' brains. He actually suffers from this mental illness that keeps inputting images into his brains , recycling the story of his trying to stop the mad house from operating on patients. Although we were disappointed, i was actually quite impressed with the plot.

After that we spent sometime sitting at "Kopitiam" chatting and eventually separated to return home... What a day....
Firstly, being able to end class early and secondly being able to spend time with my lovely classmates. Lovely day....

Daniel truly thank God for this wonderful day!!!

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